by annrobertson | Sep 4, 2022 | 52Frames, Inspiration, landscape
This week 52Frames has asked for someone else to edit your work. I have been involved in this in two ways this week. One of my friends who contributes to 52Frames has asked me to edit her photo. I have had a lot of fun doing this and will put it up here midweek...
by annrobertson | Aug 28, 2022 | 52Frames, Drawing, landscape, Trees
Peace is this week’s challenge from 52Frames. It’s quite a good brief, but most things I thought of were either sunsets, water or both! As we have just done water I had to think again. I trawled through lots of albums. I had a picture in mind but...
by annrobertson | Aug 21, 2022 | 52Frames, landscape, Lighting
52Frames set the challenge of Water this week, and I had thought of doing something completely different, but ended up doing this seascape in watercolour. I have been watching the programmes about the Rolling Stones and really liked the tour sketch books done...
by annrobertson | Aug 14, 2022 | 52Frames, craft, Drawing, Illustration, paper cut, Uncategorized
52Frames set a challenge of night photography this week. This gave me a chance to use another photo reference I have had sitting around. A year or so ago I took some photos, with the ipad, of my neighbours house. The full moon and the house were behind the...
by annrobertson | Aug 6, 2022 | 52Frames, colour, Drawing, Flowers, Painting, Still life
52frames this week set the challenge of Choose a Colour. I have been picking little bunches of sweet peas from my garden for a few weeks and wanted to include them. Because I did not have many flowers I needed a vase with a tiny neck. I found this little bottle...