by annrobertson | Aug 25, 2020 | craft, Inspiration, Sewing
I can’t believe its a year since I put something on my blog. This year has been particulalrly difficult and as a result I have picked up a few half started, waiting to be started and half finished projects. This little embroidered elephant is a Stef Francis kit...
by annrobertson | Aug 2, 2019 | colour, craft, Nature, Print, Uncategorized
I have been making unique print cards, with both a Gecko design and Guineau Fowl. I like the way that having created a plate I can ink it up however I want and print it alone or incoorporate it with other media or print elements. I look for a main element that is...
by annrobertson | May 25, 2019 | Curiosities, Inspiration, Nature, paper cut, Sewing
I have been doing some stock taking recently, partly for a print fair and partly to sort out what I have. There are a number of things I was pleased with at the time I completed them, but now are in need of a remake. One of these is my butterfly banner. Although the...
by annrobertson | May 7, 2019 | cats, craft, Curiosities, knitting, Sewing
Did this little cat for my friend from the knitting book for cats – Best in Show. I love these cats and have actually done two others as well. A little white kitten for a friends child, so no pipe cleaners, and a grey one to go with a little knitted jacket. They...
by annrobertson | Dec 1, 2018 | colour, Felt making, Inspiration, Nature
Spent a day with eleven others in Macclesfield doing 3D feltmaking with Anne Davies. The day started by making a flat piece of felt to get a feeling for the process. This was very satisfying and proved to be very helpful for later work. Anne then demonstrated how to...