Ann Robertson – Artist and Illustrator

More Spanners

More Spanners

I took the spanner prints into photoshop and produced some patterns with a background I found with some interesting rings on it. I like the way it turned out and then I reversed the colours and I like that as well. It has a real feel of tools that are well used and...
Drawing Out at Danes Moss

Drawing Out at Danes Moss

At last a day when the weather was nice enough to sit and do some drawing – again! Took my trusty little book, that is now nearly full, and a small pencil case for a walk to Danes Moss Nature Reserve on Monday. It was a beautiful, still, warm day with all the...
Small pleasures- Drawing out

Small pleasures- Drawing out

The small pleasure I got from these two little drawings in the last couple of months is reassuring in a year where any pleasure has been in short supply. The alder was drawn at Riverside Park in Macclesfield, where I met up with a couple of other people for a socially...