by annrobertson | Jan 9, 2022 | 52Frames, colour, Drawing, Illustration, Life Drawing, Lighting, Painting
52Frames ( is a free community photography project, where a challenge is set every week and responses posted on their website My friend completed this last year producing some interesting images and most importantly doing something every...
by annrobertson | Nov 5, 2021 | Drawing, Inspiration, Nature
I visited a friend in Pembrokeshire last year and came home with some seaside treasures. I remember these egg cases from my childhood on the beach near my grans. The shapes are lovely and the way they twist as they dry out make them quite sculptural. It took a...
by annrobertson | Oct 11, 2021 | Drawing, Nature
This was our last drawing out session of the summer. We met at The Leather’s Smithy and I walked along the reservoir and then dropped down to the little valley and Bollin Brook, where I settled and did some drawing. It was lovely down there with the...
by annrobertson | Aug 14, 2021 | Drawing, Inspiration, Nature, Painting
Some more sessions drawing out and about. One week I actually decided to try painting from life. I haven’t done this for years, and although it is not altogether successful, there are bits of it I really like. Even more importantly I like the fact that I did...
by annrobertson | Aug 1, 2021 | Drawing, Inspiration, Nature, Trees
I am really enjoying almost weekly trips drawing out, weather and other commitments permitting. A few of us usually turn up and coffee and cake often features, but also drawing. These little things are fun, not too precious and sometimes turn out well. It is good to...