by annrobertson | Feb 6, 2018 | colour, Drawing, Inspiration, Painting, Uncategorized
At last after a long absence a new post! Had a bad few months so decided to sign up for my friends night class. We have been doing some experimentation with cubism which I really enjoyed. Three drawings of objects from slightly different angles in different media:...
by annrobertson | Aug 12, 2017 | Course, Drawing, Flowers, Inspiration, Lino Cut, Nature, Print, Uncategorized
Patty and I ran a print day as part of our Hill and Habitat exhibition. We had 5 participants and, although at the start of the day the weather was very unpromising, it turned into a lovely day which we enjoyed greatly. Those attending were of mixed artistic...
by annrobertson | May 2, 2017 | Lino Cut, Print, Sewing
For some time I have been uncertain if I prefer the disposable lino cutters or the wooden handled tools. Most of this dilemma has been around the difficluty keeping the more traditional tools sharp. I think I have solved this problem now by using a leather strop and...
by annrobertson | Apr 17, 2017 | Illustration, Lino Cut, Nature, Print, Uncategorized
Imprint of Hill and Habitat Today – Wide Open Spaces I have been working on a new lino cut that is based on a photo I took on a cold afternoon walk in the New Year. There were families walking over the hills who were silhouetted against a cold bright sky. I...
by annrobertson | Mar 23, 2017 | colour, Drawing, Lino Cut, Nature
Imprint of Hill and Habitat Today – Leaves Have been working on some lino cuts after a really good course up in Todmorden. Used some of the photos and sketches I have from Tegg’s nose to inspire the work. Shelley, who we were working with suggested...