This week 52Frames has set the challenge of Black and White Minimalism. I think this is quite similar to some of the other challenges. I thought I might do another white on black, maybe a feather. Then I came across photos of jackdaws outside my house that I...
52Frames Shoot Through Something Week 41
52Frames has asked photographers to Shoot Through Something this week. I think this would be quite interesting, but harder to think of something as an artist. I setlled on a picture I had taken at the Lost Gardens of Heligan in September this year. It is shot...
52Frames Rule of Odds Week 40
The Rule of Odds is this week's 52Frame challenge. The idea that an odd number of objects is more visually pleasing than an even number. This is a well known device in art, but the number of items does not always lead to interest. I thought this might be a good...
52Frames Portrait of a Stranger Week 37
The challenge this week is Portrait of a Stranger and I wasn't sure I was going to do it. I spent a lot of time looking at pictures of people I don't know. None of them I found very interesting. In the end I chose a photo I had, and drew two people I didnt know...
52Frames Peace Week 34
Peace is this week's challenge from 52Frames. It's quite a good brief, but most things I thought of were either sunsets, water or both! As we have just done water I had to think again. I trawled through lots of albums. I had a picture in mind but when I found...
52Frames Night Photography Week 32
52Frames set a challenge of night photography this week. This gave me a chance to use another photo reference I have had sitting around. A year or so ago I took some photos, with the ipad, of my neighbours house. The full moon and the house were behind the...
52Frames Choose a Colour Week 31
52frames this week set the challenge of Choose a Colour. I have been picking little bunches of sweet peas from my garden for a few weeks and wanted to include them. Because I did not have many flowers I needed a vase with a tiny neck. I found this little bottle...
Drawing Out Biddulph Grange
Managed to get some drawing out at Biddulph Grange with friends last week. Did a bit to the greenery at home but mostly completed sitting out. It was quite a busy day and quite narrow paths so not easy to find somehwere to sit. I enoyed doing the rocks and the...
52Frames Common Object Week 29
The challenge for 52Frames this week is Common Object. I had in my mind that I would do my paint brushes and/or tubes of paint. In the end I did some tins of printing ink and a palette knife. I chose to use oil pastel. Visually I would say this is the least...
52Frames Silhouette Week 28
This is a great challenge from 52Frames. I had lots of idea for Silhouette but settled on some photos I took a few years ago of the houses on the other side of the street as the moon was coming up. It works well in the format of my book and is another image...