Eventually finished this image and here is the final for Flat Lay. I cut out a stencil and then sprayed paint with a toothbrush. I have aslo put some metallic paint over so some are shiny. They are painted onto a technical document of my dads' with some details...
Drawing – a moment of sanity
A bit of a late post for these drawings. Amazingly we managed some life drawing sessions in the autumn... truly a moment of sanity! My website has been poorly but is back up in a new and improved format, so I thought I should put up a new post. This model was great...
Gecko Prints
I have been making unique print cards, with both a Gecko design and Guineau Fowl. I like the way that having created a plate I can ink it up however I want and print it alone or incoorporate it with other media or print elements. I look for a main element that is...
The Royal Cheshire Show – Heavy Horses
I went to the Royal Cheshire Show for the first time this year, hoping to see the heavy horses, as well as other animals. However I missed the horses but found this lovely mare tethered which was great. There was also the Robinson's horses, but they were surrounded by...
At last after a long absence a new post! Had a bad few months so decided to sign up for my friends night class. We have been doing some experimentation with cubism which I really enjoyed. Three drawings of objects from slightly different angles in different media:...
Imprint of Hill and Habitat – Print Day
Patty and I ran a print day as part of our Hill and Habitat exhibition. We had 5 participants and, although at the start of the day the weather was very unpromising, it turned into a lovely day which we enjoyed greatly. Those attending were of mixed artistic...
Imprint of Hill and Habitat
Imprint of Hill and Habitat Today - Wide Open Spaces I have been working on a new lino cut that is based on a photo I took on a cold afternoon walk in the New Year. There were families walking over the hills who were silhouetted against a cold bright sky. I decided on...
Found a dead crow in town on Monday, so he came home in a plastic bag and has been chilling quietly. He is extremeley beautiful and have been drawing him. Interestingly he has some patchy white feathers and a lttle pure white splash of two tiny feathers at the top of...