I can't believe its a year since I put something on my blog. This year has been particulalrly difficult and as a result I have picked up a few half started, waiting to be started and half finished projects. This little embroidered elephant is a Stef Francis kit that I...
Lino Cutting – equipment
For some time I have been uncertain if I prefer the disposable lino cutters or the wooden handled tools. Most of this dilemma has been around the difficluty keeping the more traditional tools sharp. I think I have solved this problem now by using a leather strop and...
Butterflies – Upcycling to greeting cards
I have been doing some stock taking recently, partly for a print fair and partly to sort out what I have. There are a number of things I was pleased with at the time I completed them, but now are in need of a remake. One of these is my butterfly banner. Although the...
Ragdoll Cat Best in Show!
Best in Show, knit your own cat Those of you who have seen these knitting books will recognise my ragdoll as a product of the excellent patterns. I made him for a friend for Xmas and although he looks a little like a knitted cat/rat hybrid I rather like him, and it...
Black Cat – Best in Show
Did this little cat for my friend from the knitting book for cats - Best in Show. I love these cats and have actually done two others as well. A little white kitten for a friends child, so no pipe cleaners, and a grey one to go with a little knitted jacket. They are...
Handmade Fabric Book Covers
Working on some book covers for a print fair in May. Hopefully a good way to use some pieces of work that have been neglected. Think they work quite well