Making the marbled paper for the paper cuts was a bit of a steep learning curve, although I did enjoy it. I was a bit taken aback by the fact that it requires planning at least hours, and ideally a good day before hand. Paper needs to be prepared and most...
New Year, New Project Birds on Paper
Having managed 51 of last years 52Frames I feel I need to maintain that momentum. I think I completed more drawing, painting etc than I have done since leaving college. So, I started this blog in January and never got to post it. I need to update it and put it...
Redo Week 52
The challenge this week is Redo. I chose the image I had done for Chaos for a couple of reasons. I enjoyed the process but was not happy with the end result. The oil pastel and Indian Ink etching is something I have wanted to experiment with. It was not a time...
52Frames Break the Rules! Week 51
Break the Rules! is the challenge for this week, set by 52Frames. I am going away in a couple of days and then its Christmas so I wanted something that didn't seem too involved. I decided I would try and create an image from a photograph trying to make it look...
52Frames Roll of 24 Week 50
Roll of 24, the challenge from 52Frames this week, refers back to film photography. The idea is to shoot 24 photos and then just pick one. I decided to go with photography this week, partly as I had an idea shooting Xmas lights, and partly as I was busy...
52Frames Shoot From Below Week 49
Shoot from below is the challenge this week for 52Frames. I was stuck for an idea and then I found a stencil for some paper cut birds I had made at college. These were done for an animation that never went ahead. Another project waiting to be moved on. I...
52Frames Animals Week 48
This weeks challenge set by 52Frames is Animals. I was rather pleased because I have some photos of heavy horses that I have been trying to get into one of the briefs. This week it’s an easy fit! I saw these horses being readied for the show at Poynton a few...
52Frames Wabi-sabi Week 47
Wabi-sabi is this week's challenge for 52Frames. This is a Japanese concept that centres around acceptance of imperfection and impermanence. The extra challenge this week is abandoned buildings and I do have some suitable reference, but think they would...
52Frames Food. Week 46
Food is the challenge this week for 52Frames. My friend suggested trying Pointillism. It is a technique I had never tried before so thought it would be good for this weeks picture. I had a look at a couple of tutorials on line which were helpful. I put...
52Frames Street Photography Week 45
The 52Frames challenge this week is Street Photography. I think its a great challenge, although I expect it was much easier at the time I took this, than it is now. I wasn't sure I would have time to do this justice, as it feels like setting up the exhibition...