Ann Robertson – Artist and Illustrator

Rubber Stamps

Feb 4, 2017 | Flowers, Nature, Print | 2 comments

I have been experimenting with making Rubber Stamps, both for myself and others.

The featured flower is the first one I made using a really soft material from the USA I think. I was surprised by how soft and easy to cut it was, which caught me out a bit to begin with. However I like the results. I am using the beetles to brand paper goods I may use. The Echincea was done for a friend.

I have mounted the cut stamps onto little blocks of MDF which makes printing with them easier.

Hand cut soft rubber stamp

Hand cut soft rubber stamp


Hand cut soft rubber stamp

Hand cut soft rubber stamp


Hand cut soft rubber stamp

Hand cut soft rubber stamp


  1. jess

    what type of techniques and methods do you use

    • annrobertson

      Hi Jess, thanks for your interest and sorry for the delay in reply, I had to be away.
      I use Speedball Speedy Carve. It is pink and soft and very easy to cut. It tends not to break. I use a cheap lino cutting kit. I use a variety of inks and mix and match, some cheap, some more expensive. You can find a wealth on line, but also in retailers such as Hobby Craft. I would start with a few and see if you like it first. I like to mix my inks on the block and blending tools are a good way to keep your ink blocks clean. Having said that I am not that fussy…I was, but soon got bored of being neat and tidy! If I like a stamp I then glue it onto an MDF block, this keeps it flat and firm for printing. It takes a few goes to get good prints. I have another example here Gecko Prints
      I got a lot of inspiration from a book by Zlatkis: Making an Impression, but there are lots of resources out there. You can buy an endless variety of precut stamp, but I prefer to cut my own. I have however used precuts for fine line greetings to put inside cards. Also, always remember that whatever you cut will print as a mirror image.
      I hope this is helpful and you have experimenting.
      I am not sponsored by any product I mention, they are just my own experience.


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