Just finished this latest colouring in postcard. Again I have tried to use a limited number of colours and blended some of those to increase the range and subtlety. The design on this one is especially pleasing. It is a birthday card for a friend whose favourite...
Macclesfield Brick Project
Productive part of an afternoon spent with drawing partner in crime painting a brick for the Macclesfield Brick Project. This is a really fun community project which seems to have been enthusiastically embraced by many people. The end result is fantastic as can be...
Fly tying
Have been fly tying as an experiment to add to a project I am doing with a friend. This is to do with the swallows. They are very tricky but do get easier with practice, as all things do I suppose. I think they are so lovely. Mine are really a beginners attempt, but...
These are the first cyanotypes I have done with all my own preparation. I made the solution and coated various papers as a trial. These two were done with some spider plant babies pulled off the plant. The paper does need to be robust so it can withstand the amount of...
Colouring in Postcard
Have been colouring in this postcard for my mum. I have had a larger book for a while and had a go with felt tips; I found it a bit unsatisfying. I tried this one with some water soluble watercolour pencils and found them much more versatile. It was great fun to...
Ragdoll Cat Best in Show!
Best in Show, knit your own cat Those of you who have seen these knitting books will recognise my ragdoll as a product of the excellent patterns. I made him for a friend for Xmas and although he looks a little like a knitted cat/rat hybrid I rather like him, and it...
Pop Up Card
Made a pop up card for a 21st birthday. Really pleased with it. However it is interesting that there is quite a lot of blank card around the edges which are needed to contain the card when it folds, so next time would pull the design onto that as well. Took a while...
Gourds and RHS Shades of Autumn Show
Went to RHS Shades of Autumn Show to help my friend put up her photos. All the exhibitions were great and Lorna got a Bronze Medal which is great. In the afternoon I wandered off to do some drawing and found these fabulous gourds. Used watercolour crayons and pencil,...
Life drawing – all day!
Spent a whole day yesterday life drawing... what a treat, just drawing with no distractions/ displacement activities. Fantastic model with some great poses and plenty of time to get warmed up and to play around with different media. Pleased with the last one of the...
Son et Lumiere
Been to Norfolk this week and was amazed by the Son et Lumiere show at Kings Lynn. It starts at dark and is on 6 different buildings. Some are abstract and some tell a story. The two featured here are on the Minster Tower, which explores time and clocks, and the other...