Spent a day with eleven others in Macclesfield doing 3D feltmaking with Anne Davies. The day started by making a flat piece of felt to get a feeling for the process. This was very satisfying and proved to be very helpful for later work. Anne then demonstrated how to...
Sketchbook workshop with Shelley Burgoyne
Earlier this year went to a sketchbook workshop with Shelley Burgoyne. Had previously been on a print workshop, but this was about pushing ideas in your sketchbook. It was excellent and full of great new ways of working and help to move work forward. We took items...
At last after a long absence a new post! Had a bad few months so decided to sign up for my friends night class. We have been doing some experimentation with cubism which I really enjoyed. Three drawings of objects from slightly different angles in different media:...
Imprint of Hill and Habitat – Print Day
Patty and I ran a print day as part of our Hill and Habitat exhibition. We had 5 participants and, although at the start of the day the weather was very unpromising, it turned into a lovely day which we enjoyed greatly. Those attending were of mixed artistic...
Imprint of Hill and Habitat
Imprint of Hill and Habitat Today - Machinery The Quarry was a working area until the 1950's and there are examples of the kind of machinery used. This has recently been painted and makes a dramatic display. I am very taken by the lovely shapes in some of these and...
Imprint of Hill and Habitat
Imprint of Hill and Habitat Today - Rocks Patty and I have been spending quite a lot of time at Tegg's Nose looking closely at the surroundings. We are preparing for an exhibition, Imprint of Hill and Habitat, later this year inspired by the park. There is so much...
Papier-mâché modelling
Did a short course of papier-mâché modelling with Patty Callaghan. It was very good, making a figure with a basic wire frame for the limbs, but just paper for the body and head. I worked from some of my life drawings and am quite pleased with the result - she even...
Bryanston Today 2016
I submitted a picture for Bryanston Today, an art show in the Mall Gallery London hosted by my old school. It was accepted and I was thrilled to see it hung in such a great exhibition. I was delighted it sold on the opening night. Thanks Hattie if you are reading...
Print Course
I ran my first print course in October with 3 people. I really enjoyed it and got good feedback. Keen to do another one, but would be best when its a bit warmer and the days are longer. One person had never done anything like this before and everyone produced...
Days Out Drawing
Been a while since I have put anything up. However does not mean I have been idle. Had a few days out drawing with partner in crime and photography friend and am quite pleased with some of the results. We had a couple of hours in Biddulph Grange Gardens and that is...