Ann Robertson – Artist and Illustrator


Small pleasures- Drawing out

Small pleasures- Drawing out

The small pleasure I got from these two little drawings in the last couple of months is reassuring in a year where any pleasure has been in short supply. The alder was drawn at Riverside Park in Macclesfield, where I met up with a couple of other people for a socially...

Another Full day of Life Drawing

Another Full day of Life Drawing

Another full day of life drawing in June with a great model and then, later in the day, a second model - what a treat! Tried to use some new materials....... I like the wallpaper, although it has some technical challenges. Have used some water soluble Neocolor and...

The Royal Cheshire Show – Heavy Horses

The Royal Cheshire Show – Heavy Horses

I went to the Royal Cheshire Show for the first time this year, hoping to see the heavy horses, as well as other animals. However I missed the horses but found this lovely mare tethered which was great. There was also the Robinson's horses, but they were surrounded by...



Been doing trees in different media on the evening class. Has been a good opportunity to revisit something old and try something new. Did the Scots Pine in pencil and was inspired by having done some machine embroidery so trying to get my marks to look a bit like...



At last after a long absence a new post! Had a bad few months so decided to sign up for my friends night class. We have been doing some experimentation with cubism which I really enjoyed. Three drawings of objects from slightly different angles in different media:...

Imprint of Hill and Habitat

Imprint of Hill and Habitat

Imprint of Hill and Habitat Today - Leaves Have been working on some lino cuts after a really good course up in Todmorden. Used some of the photos and sketches I have from Tegg's nose to inspire the work.  Shelley, who we were working with suggested starting out with...

Imprint of Hill and Habitat

Imprint of Hill and Habitat

Imprint of Hill and Habitat Today - Machinery The Quarry was a working area until the 1950's and there are examples of the kind of machinery used. This has recently been painted and makes a dramatic display. I am very taken by the lovely shapes in some of these and...