Our show, Birds on Paper, started on a couple of weeks ago at Teggs Nose Park.
In 2o21 Macclesfield marked the 120th anniversary of wildlife artist Charles Tunnicliffe’s birth with a series of exhibitions and events. Born
in Sutton, Tunnicliffe produced a number of books based on his wildlife observations. Amongst them was Mereside Chronicle, published in 1948, featuring drawings and descriptions of the bird life of Redesmere. It’s a favourite haunt of ours so we decided we would
theme this exhibition around the birds that we regularly see there. Because of lockdowns the show is a year or so late!
The images and papier maché birds are interspersed with quotes from the book and we are really pleased with how the show fits together as a whole. the space at Teggs is ideal. After the pictures there are 3 short videos for you to have a brief virtual tour.
I really enjoyed that Thank you
Thanks Val.