This week 52Frames has asked for someone else to edit your work. I have been involved in this in two ways this week. One of my friends who contributes to 52Frames has asked me to edit her photo. I have had a lot of fun doing this and will put it up here midweek as I think she should post in first.
I have also done something to give to a different friend to edit. I was short of time this week for a drawing and so my editor suggested I use something I had already done. I was not overly keen, but in the end worked over a very mediocre watercolour that has been on my pile of things to try and improve. I used soft pastels, which I have not utilised so far, as my format is too small. However this watercolour was a larger size.
The original painting was done at Tatton Park on a watercolour course. The subject matter is not overly interesting, but I do prefer the overwork in Pastel. That in itself has been interesting.
Here is the image before handing over to edit
Below is the image after editing. I like the filter choice and think it has augmented the texture of the pastel. I also like the way the colours are really rich and bright.